This is going to be my first feeble attempt of actually going down the road of becoming a real blogger. So I hope that I do not disturb readers to much with my shortcomings of literary knowledge. There will more than likely be errors in grammer, spelling, etc., etc.. I am also sure that one friend of mine (Julie) will email me with corrections. Thanks sweetie.
So I guess first an introduction is in order. My name is Ryan and I am just a regular Joe Schmoe that loves music. I am a fanatic about alot of genres. Early punk, house, electro, indie, and so on. I have been DJing for about 10 years now and love to share and discuss music that gets me off. So naturally blogging about it seemed like a good path to follow.
Enough about me for now. I want to write about one of my favorite bands. The White Rabbits have been bouncing around on my playlist for a couple of years now. I absolutely love this band. If you are a fan of this group than I am positive that you are quite eager to get your hands on their new release "Its Frightening" as much as I am. It's going to be so, soooo good. I also cannot wait to see them play live again. I saw them about a year and a half ago and was blown away. Not only did they put on one hell of a show, but where gracious enough to autograph the t-shirt that I had purchased for my son.
So if you want to learn more about these guys check out their
myspace page. If you do not already own it, go get their debut album "Fort Nightly". Their sophomore album is due to be released at the end of May and is produced by Britt Daniel of Spoon. Down below are links so you can sample both and fall in love.